If you’ve pre-ordered, don’t get upset just yet! The official website is updated every day showing what the development team is hard at work on, and their dedication to pushing out a quality beta build is apparent.
I generally try not to buy hype train tickets (see: pre-orders) often, but the promises of an expansive sandbox title with an unlimited universe to explore was too much to resist. I want to be a fish person in space beating on monsters with nonsensical weapons. I want to see just how varied monster and world generation can be. I want to eradicate all Apex NPCs.
Burn the apes.
Waiting is difficult, but the frequent development updates make it a bit easier. Sure, they may not be exciting sometimes (“Today has been a day of optimisations and bug fixes.”) but ultimately they show that we are indeed getting the game and that Chucklefish is hard at work to give us the best damn sandbox they can.
We may not have Starbound just yet, but we will in time. If development keeps going as it is now, we’re in store for a pretty robust beta once it comes around. It’s just a matter of killing time until that fateful release day.