Are you prepared for a hundred charming, pixelated hours? Get prepared. Developer Chucklefish Games has crafted a gorgeous homage to Harvest Moon, that arguably outshines it. The polished story, mysteries and music (omg the music) really drag you right into your new life as a farmer. You’ll also need a sword in Stardew Valley, and there’s something comical about rushing through petting your cows so you can get to the mines with plenty of time to do some adventuring.
Stardew Valley already feels ready for a console port, often irritatingly so on Steam’s version. Mechanics are simple and directional, so there is no need to worry about a clunky transfer. In fact, my only complaint about the game in general are the controls, and I have a strong suspicion the UI was built for consoles primarily.
But let’s get to the important considerations. What will you name your cat? Will you be a rancher, farmer, fisher or adventurer? How many men and women will you throw gifts at until you decide who your 8-bit soulmate really is? What’s important is that you look good doing it, if I collect any more hats I’ll need to build a another chest just to store them.
I’m very interested to know how many computer players will decide to start a new life in Stardew Valley on their consoles.
Will this be your second farm or are you thinking about picking it up for the first time? Let us know what you think of the ports to PlayStation 4 or Xbox One below.