According to Steam’s blog post, they’ve made some changes to make support more user friendly for its gamers and additionally allocated more human bodies to assist users seeking support.

In an effort to be more transparent to its users and to show that their efforts to improve support are having an impact, Steam launched its Support Stats page. By looking at the page, users can see how Steam Support handles about 75,000 requests on average for each 24 hour cycle, with about 8,000 requests awaiting response each day.

A screenshot taken from the Steam Support Stats page

While this may not be helpful for any of the users still awaiting support for past requests, it does show the incredible volume of requests that Steam receives and handles. It may encourage Steam Support to stay on top of requests as well, seeing as users will be able to see if they are slacking.

“We’ve been continuously investing in staffing, training, and process improvements to that end,” it says at the conclusion of the blog post, “and while we believe we’ve made progress we know there is always more work to be done.”