There are a few ways to get the castle in Stick RPG complete. One way is to find all of the hidden treasure chests throughout the game. Another way is to complete all of the side quests. The last way is to defeat the final boss.
The president in Stick RPG is chosen by the members of the Council. The Council is made up of the five most senior members of the society.
There is no specific way to get the hoverboard in Stick RPG, but it can be obtained through a variety of means. Some players may find it in treasure chests or as rewards for completing quests, while others may have to purchase it from a vendor. Whatever the case may be, it is always possible to find a way to get what you want in the game!
There isn’t one specific point to stick RPG, but some people enjoy the strategic and tactical elements of the game. Others may find the humor and quirky characters appealing. Ultimately, what matters is what you get out of it. If you enjoy strategizing and planning your moves while taking down your opponents, then stick RPG is for you!
There is no lab key in Stick RPG 2.
Karma is a measure of your good and bad deeds in the game. Killing innocent NPCs will lower your karma, while helping others will raise it. There are also special items and abilities that can be used to boost your karma, so it’s important to make the right choices when playing.
There are many ways to get money in Stick RPG. You can find treasure chests, sell items, or defeat enemies.
There are a lot of things you can do in Stick RPG! You can explore the world, battle enemies, and more.
There is no Trophemon in Stick RPG 2.
In Stick RPG 2, the best paying job is the mercenary. Mercenaries can make a lot of money by taking on jobs from other players or from NPC’s. They also have the opportunity to make a lot of money by participating in combat tournaments.