There are major retail stores that offer price match guarantees to attract more customers. It also helps the customers to save their time & effort of running around various stores and looking for the best deals. You need to be updated with all the policies & rules of the stores offering a price match guarantee to avail the best discounts. Researching all the stores will help you to make better decisions about the price match. Usually, the retailers will match the price of the product at the point of sale but some sellers will refund the difference amount after you have made the purchase.

Various Stores That Offer You A Price Match Guarantee

We all know how important it is to compare different prices before we purchase a product but it with the price guarantee policy you do not have to run around stores and keep a check on the prices rather, you can just visit the nearby stores that offer a Price Match Guarantee and avail the product. Listing a few stores that you can visit-

The Pros & Cons Of A Price Matching Guarantee

There are numerous pros & cons associated with a price match guarantee. PROSCONSIt helps with increased customer satisfaction and confidence. It allows a customer to buy a product at a lower price hence, he is satisfied that he didn’t spend extra money on a product that he could have got for a cheaper deal.There are chances of lower profit margin which may result in various financial problems for the company and also reduce its profit maximization.It saves your time & effort of visiting various stores and comparing the prices.You can also lose your customers if you are not able to implement the policy in a successful manner as it allows the customer to check the competitor’s price and get a better deal on the product. Increased customer loyalty & trust in your brand.            It results in more sales

Points To Be Noted-

Check that the items are identical. Ex- do not compare a Samsung product price to apple. The products you are comparing your price must be available in the cityKeep all the necessary proof ready with you. Make sure the products are in stock. Do thorough research about the store’s policy & guidelines.


We have understood the basics of price match guarantee & which stores offer you the same. All you need to do is keep a proper record of the product and their prices from various stores and bring the proof with you when you visit any of these stores. For your next big purchase, make sure to visit your nearest store that gives you a price match guarantee and steal the deal.

How can you ask a store for a price match guarantee?

Many stores prefer to advertise their policy to their customers for increased sales. But, if they don’t, you can ask to talk to the manager & show him the lower price offered from a different store & ask them for a discount.

Can you opt for a price match after a purchase?

Yes, a customer can ask for a price match after the purchase, following the store’s policy.

Can you get a price adjustment if the product’s price drops?

Yes, most stores like Target, Walmart, Home Depot, etc will allow you a price adjustment & refund the extra amount by visiting the store or contacting the retailer if the product price drops.