If you want to master each character and take on friends and foes through online matchmaking, you need to know their basic moves and more advanced combos ahead of time.

Below you can find full moves lists for utilizing the new character Laura, the long-running villain M. Bison, the Guile-based sonic booming Nash, and rage-filled fighter Necalli. All moves are listed assuming you are facing right - when facing left, reverse the movement directions.

For more help with Street Fighter V, be sure to also check out:

Beginner tips and tricks Complete moves list for Birdie, Cammy, and Chun Li Complete moves list for Dhalism, F. A. N. G, Karin, and Ken


She’s just gotta dance… and crack some skulls! A grappling focused character, Laura has a good balance between V-Skills and special character moves for dominating a match up close and personal.


Unique Character Attacks

Step Elbow: Move Right + Heavy Punch Twist Barrage: Move Right + Heavy Punch → Heavy Punch Dual Crash: Medium Punch → Medium Kick


Seoi Throw: While near an opponent, either remain still or Move Right + Light Punch, Light Kick Pullback Hold: While near an opponent, Move Left + Light Punch, Light Kick


Volty Line: Medium Punch, Medium Kick Avante: Move Right + Medium Punch, Medium Kick Esquiva: Move Left + Medium Punch, Medium Kick Finta: Move Left + Medium Punch, Medium Kick → Medium Punch, Medium Kick


Spark Show: Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick


Double Slap: While guarding, Move Right + Any Punch, Any Punch, Any Punch

Special Character Moves

Bolt Charge: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch Split River: Move Quarter Circle Right + Medium Punch → Any Punch Rodeo Break: Move Quarter Circle Right + Medium Punch → Any Kick Thunder Clap: Move Quarter Circle Left + Any Punch (power up this attack by holding the button down) Sunset Wheel: Move Half Circle Left + Any kick

Critical Art Finisher

Inazuma Spin Hold: Move Quarter Circle Right, Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Kick

M. Bison

The emperor of evil returns and can cause some serious havoc in a match, if you can master his charge moves and learn to work around his slow speed. Bison is also capable of negating enemy ranged attacks, so learn to use those V-Skills!

M. Bison

Unique Character Attacks

Hell Attack: While airborne, Medium Punch → Medium Punch Psycho Axe: Move Diagonal Right Down + Heavy Punch Shadow Axe: Medium Punch → Move Diagonal Right Down + Heavy Punch


Psycho Impact: While near an opponent, stand still or Move Right + Light Punch, Light Kick Psycho Fall: While near an opponent, Move Left + Light Punch, Light Kick


Psycho Reflect: Medium Punch, Medium Kick (Hold to absorb projectile attack, then release to reflect back)


Pyscho Power: Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick


Pyscho Burst: While guarding, Move Right + Any Punch, Any Punch, Any Punch

Special Character Moves

Psycho Blast: Charge Left, Move Right + Any Punch Double Knee Press: Charge Left, Move Right + Any Kick Head Press: Charge Down, Jump Up + Any Kick Somersault Skull Diver: After landing Head Press attack, use Any Punch Devil Reverse: Just before landing the Head Press attack, use Any Punch Psycho Inferno: Move Quarter Circle Left + Any Punch

Critical Art Finisher

Ultimate Psycho Crusher: While standing still or airborne, Move Quarter Circle Right, Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch


With a horde of V-Trigger and unique attacks that are easy to remember, Nash can easily move around the arena and overcome faster or stronger characters.


Unique Character Attacks

Knee Bazooka: Move Right + Light Kick Jumping Sobat: Move Right + Medium Kick Step Kick: Move Right + Heavy Kick Chopping Assault: Move Right + Medium Punch Spinning Back Knuckle: Move Right + Heavy Punch Side Knee Attack: Move Left + Medium Kick Rapid Punch: Light Punch → Medium Punch Rapid Kick: Light Kick → Medium Kick Wind Shear: Medium Punch → Light Kick → Heavy Punch Down Burst: Crouch Down + Medium Punch → Move Right + Medium Punch Raptor Combo: Medium Kick → Heavy Kick → Medium Kick


Dragon Suplex: While near an opponent either stand still or Move Right + Light Punch, Light Kick Target Down: While near an opponent, Move Left + Light Punch + Light Kick Air Jack: While airborne use Light Punch, Light Kick


Bullet Clear: Medium Punch, Medium Kick


Sonic Hide: Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick Sonic Blitz Air: Move Left + Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick Sonic Steel Air: Move Right + Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick


Sonic Avoid: While guarding, Move Right + Any Punch, Any Punch, Any Punch

Special Character Moves

Sonic Boom: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch (press Any Punch again for a second attack at the cost of lowering your ex-gauge) Sonic Scythe: Move Quarter Circle Left + Any Kick Moonsault Slash: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Kick

Critical Art Finisher

Judgement Saber: Move Quarter Circle Left, Move Quarter Circle Left + Any Punch


A burly, animalistic fighter who utilizes claws and slams, Necalli’s fighting style changes when you use the V-Trigger skills and release his dreadlocks.


Unique Character Attacks

Opening Dagger: Move Diagonal Right Down + Heavy Punch Road Of The Sun: While jumping forward, Crouch Down + Heavy Kick Sacrificial Altar: Medium Kick → Heavy Kick → Medium Punch, Medium Kick


Soul Sealer: While near an opponent, either Move Right or stand still + Light Punch, Light Kick Soul Discriminator: While near an opponent, Move Left + Light Punch, Light Kick


Culminate Power: Medium Punch, Medium Kick (the distance of this attack is controlled by moving left or right)


Torrent Of Power: Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick


The Calling: While guarding, Move Right + Any Punch, Any Punch, Any Punch

Special Character Moves

The Disc’s Guidance: Charge Left, Move Right + Any Punch Raging Light: Z-Movement Right + Any Punch Mask Of Tlalli: While near an opponent, Move Half Circle Left + Any Punch Valiant Rebellion: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Kick

Critical Art Finisher

Ceremony Of Honor / Soul Honor : Move Quarter Circle Right, Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch (has different effect during V-Trigger but uses same combo)

Those are all the moves you need to know for winning a match utilizing Laura, M. Bison, Nash, or Necalli. Next up we’ll be exploring the full move lists for Rashid, R. Mika, and Ryu!