Last Oasis offers a glimpse at what society might be like in the not-too-distant future. With Earth’s environment plunged into two opposing extremes, players must keep their settlements mobile on giant walkers as they try to outrun the burning sun and freezing night.

As part of the #StayTheFuckHome initiative to curb the spread of Covid-19, developer Donkey Crew launched Last Oasis with a 17% discount. A week from today’s launch, that price will go back up to the standard $29.99 on Steam.

Donkey Crew Creative Director Florian “chadz” Hofreither commented on the surprise launch today:

While Last Oasis is one of the more unique takes on the genre we’ve seen lately, it’s by no means the only survival game hitting digital shelves this year. Be sure to take a look at our 11 most anticipated survival titles due to land in 2020, and stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Last Oasis news.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank them and also encourage the same level of openness and involvement from new players, who we look forward to welcoming into our growing community.