I’ve already had a personal run-in with Tahm Kench. In an unfortunate event, the teammate who was playing Tahm swallowed me and spat me out at the enemy spawn point, where the Nexus Obelisk attacked me and killed me instantly.  But that player went on to finish the match with over forty kills. Considering that the champion was only released two days ago, this player was able to amass a huge amount of kills.

The River King’s primary role is a tank, while his secondary role is a support. Using items that increase armor, damage/ability power, and attack speed, this champion is a destructive force.

Tahm Kench, the River King, is currently on sale in the store for 975 Riot Points or 7800 Influence Points. A bundle called the Master Chef Tahm Kench Bundle is on sale for 1462 Riot Points until July 13. The bundle includes Tahm Kench and his Master Chef skin.