Return Policy

If you are not happy with a product you bought from a Talbots location, you can return your product within 60 days. The item you wish to return must meet the conditions outlined in the Talbots return policy. First of all, the product must be unworn, unwashed, unopened, and unused. In addition, you may not be able to return every product you buy to the place you want. For example, you can only return the product you bought from Talbots outlets to Talbots outlets. Furthermore, there are some restrictions on return methods. Returns made via in-person, or mail are accepted as the return method, but returns cannot be made via phone or letter. If you are considering returning it, you should pay attention to this.

Return Method: Portal 

Using the online returns portal, you can submit your return using USPS. The returns portal is available for online purchases and phone orders. Also, you should be aware that if you use a prepaid USPS label, an $8.95 shipping and handling fee will be deducted from your refund.

Return Method: By Mail

You can label the package you want to return yourself and you must send your product to Talbots Returns, 1901 State Road 240, East Greencastle, In 46135-7825 by means of the shipping provider you choose. It is also very important to highlight that please include the Return Form that came with your package or your original store receipt. Also, you should explain why you demand to return it. The critical point for your refunds is that you must allow two billing cycles for the refunds to emerge on the statement of your credit card.

International Consumer’s Return Method

If you purchased the product outside of the USA, you must use a different method. To return Talbots products shipped to a non-US address, you must first return the product you purchased and wish to return to your local store or send it directly to the address we provide above. It is suggested that you should contact your local customs authorities for instructions and rules before posting your product.

Some Limitations To Return Policy

Although the general has a return policy for products, not all products can be returned. and there are some exceptions. This depends on some factors. These factors depend on availability, how they were purchased, what they are, and their current condition. Items marked as “Last Sale” when purchased respectively, worn or washed clothing, gift cards, and items that have been opened or used by the customer, such as candles or fragrances, cannot be returned.

Refund Stage At The End Of Return Process

Provided that you fulfill the special conditions listed above, you may be entitled to a full and complete refund. Note that if you return your purchase within 60 days of purchase, you are entitled to a full refund in the same way as with the original payment method. Similarly, if you purchased the product with a gift card or received it as a gift from someone else, Talbots gives you product credit. What’s more, the most important part for customers is how long it takes to get a refund. In this context, refunds are made instantly for purchases made with a credit card. However, delays may occur due to your bank. It can take two to four weeks for the refund made by Talbots to appear on your bank statement. Also, if you purchased the product by cash or check, Talbots will issue a refund in the form of a check within seven to ten business days.


As a result, the Talbots return policy has a very simple and understandable structure. However, there are some restrictions and exceptions. There are different return methods. Moreover, the refund policy is based on how you paid.

Q) I lost my receipt, can I return it?

A) Yes, you can make a refund. If you’ve lost the receipt of an item you want to return, you won’t get a cash refund, but you can get merchandise credit. You should also note that to return a product without a receipt, you must have your government-issued photo ID with you. If you meet the 60 days criteria, you will not have any problems.

Q) How Do Returns with Original Labels Affect Style Scores?

A) Style Points for Talbots credit card holders who return items are reduced at a rate equal to the refund. For example, if you return a product that you purchased for $100, you will deduct 100 Style Points.