The person in question, who has been distinguished as Dustin Wakefield, was on a get-away with his significant other and child. He was having supper at a Miami Beach café when the episode occurred.

Davis entered the café and arbitrarily approached where Wakefield was sitting with his family and pointed a weapon at his baby child, saying it’s an ideal opportunity to die.

Wakefield fought he’s simply a child and came in the middle of Davis and his child, and took the projectile. Davis then, at that point proceeded to shoot him on various occasions on the ground.

An observer said the shooter then, at that point began to move on top of the person. Wakefield was raced to Jackson Memorial Hospital where he was articulated dead.

Tamarius Blair Davis Jr’s age is 22 years of age. He is from Norcross, Georgia.

The shooter lethally shot a 21-year-old vacationer Dustin Wakefield, who was an extended get-away with his family.

Tamarius isn’t found on any systems administration destinations including Facebook and Twitter.

The Miami Beach police division took to their authority Facebook handle to educate residents regarding the lamentable occurrence and said they have caught the attacker.

Tamarius Blair Davis Jr’s folks and family are crushed in the wake of hearing the news their child killed an individual.

Tommy Davis, the speculate’s dad, said his child went to Miami Beach for certain companions and had never been in a difficult situation. There is no past capture record of Tamarius.

Tamarius Blair Davis Jr. told investigators he shot Dustin Wakefield because he was high on mushrooms and he felt empowered.

He danced over this young Father’s dying body. He smiled as he was arrested. Hate crime.

— 🌬 (@OhComfy) August 26, 2021

The senior Davis said he was ignorant his child took mushrooms or some other medications and was entirely stunned by the news, detailed KTLA 5.

Tamarius Blair is captured and accused of second-degree murder and endeavored second degree murder. He is held with no bond at the Miami-Dade County Jail.

After the shooting, Davis got away from the café. The police captured him in a close by rear entryway. He was evidently lying spread falcon on his back and grinning.

At the point when the officials moved toward him, he moved into a fetal situation before again moving on his back. He shouted ‘I give, I give’ as the officials bound him.

The weapon was purportedly lying around 10 feet away. As per, Davis purportedly admitted to shooting Wakefield. He said he haphazardly chose to shoot affected by mushroom, which caused him to feel enabled.